ACT Aussie Day Matches

Benchrest, F-class, Metallic Silhouette, Handgun Shooting and anything other form of target shooting!
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Post by shane »

Kenny mate eagle hawk pub sounds good.

Nar i wont be at the nationals, would like to but i will be a bit keen for a nice long weekend at home about then. I will be down at melbourne a few weeks after that anyway for the fly shoot.
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Ned Kelly
.270 Winchester
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Location: Macedon Ranges Vic

Post by Ned Kelly »

G'day all,
yeah your right about the quality of the brass being the main reason for the 262 neck size. But as a cycnic/pessimist I would be reluctant to have a neck any bigger than say 265, cause if the quality of the brass or its availablity ever becomes a problem like it has in the past, at least with a 262 neck I can turn ANY case to fit my 262 chambers whereas a 269/270 neck means your stuck with it unless you rechamber to suit what ever brass is available. Alternatively buy 500 220ruskie brass pieces for a rainy day! Given most BR shooters have 20 or so cases, neck turning is a bit of a non issue in my mind.

Cheerio Ned
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