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Patch jag diameter
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:59 pm
by zzsstt
Can someone please do me a favour and mic a .22 (centrefire) patch jag for me. I've just got a Boretech jag and I'm using .75" square patches. The jag is 0.182" in diameter at the widest part and it's a bastard to push down the bore. I'm trying to find out if this jag is just simply too big.
(Obviously I can use smaller patches, but .75" is pretty small and the smaller of the Boretech recommended sizes for .22 calibre from memory).
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:05 pm
by native hunter
You wouldnt be pushin it down a cz or brno would ya.???
I have a cleen bore jag and it is also tight in my CZ, although I have not put the verniers on it.
It does not take much in the reduction of patch size to reduce the problem.
Damien Webb.
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:08 pm
by Simpson
I use a standard 22 boretech jag with normal 22 patches (tetra 1 inch x 1 inch) and haven't encountered any problems.
however ... (isn't there always a if / but / maybe etc)
i have problems using my 6mm boretech jag with 243 patches (1.5 inch x 1.5 inch). To clean my 243 I either use my 22 jag and 6mm patch or 6mm jag and 22 patch.
PITA! It feels like my cleaning rod is going to bend if i put too much pressure on it!
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:07 am
by Col. Pogy
Native hunter is right about the tight CZ bores, both rim & centerfire. BUT. often a patch speared off center a bit is a little less snug than a centered one.
Re: Patch jag diameter
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:51 pm
zzsstt wrote:Can someone please do me a favour and mic a .22 (centrefire) patch jag for me.
Think what you wont to hear is 5.05mm or 0.1988'' . Thats what I use in my 22-250 and it works well for me
Re: Patch jag diameter
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:25 pm
by zzsstt
X WSSM wrote:Think what you wont to hear is 5.05mm or 0.1988'' . Thats what I use in my 22-250 and it works well for me
That's exactly what I need, thanks!
Well that means that my jag is OK. Can I ask what size, shape and brand patches you use with that jag. I'm using this Boretech jag in a Kimber .223 Rem with 3/4" square Boretech patches and it's a bitch. I've even restorted to using a .17 jag from time to time, so I'm looking for alternative brands to try!
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:06 pm
by Knackers
G'day zzsstt, wondering what cleaner you are using?
I have Short Scrub, Tetra Gun, Sweets and Boretech Eliminator. I can tell you that they all clean to different degrees but the Boretech Eliminator does a fantastic job of removing copper, but it seems to be very very sticky when trying to patch out. Several blokes at my range said they have had the same problem, easy to push through with all the other solvents but very hard to push through using the Eliminator to the point that I thought that the patches were over size?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:24 pm
I use a Boretech jag with 1" sq Tetra patches and Tetra solvent. Like I said ''works for me"

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:07 am
by zzsstt
Knackers wrote:G'day zzsstt, wondering what cleaner you are using?
I have been using Boretech Eliminator, and sometimes Sweets 7.62
I can't say I've noticed the Eliminator to be any more difficult to push through than the Sweets 7.62, but the Sweets Oil is certainly a bit easier.
I think I'll see if I can get some different patches and see if that helps!
Cleaning rifles seems to be a bit like faith healing, people do what suits them and swear they get results. I've already posted about a mate of mine who never cleans his rifles and it seems to make no difference. The other day I read an article about cleaning, in which the author uses Sweets copper remover (7.62 I guess) and leaves it in the barrel overnight. I have heard this from other people as well. My bottle of 7.62 says NEVER LEAVE IN THE BARREL FOR MORE THAN 15 MINUTES. Makes me wonder.....
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:29 pm
by zzsstt
For anyone still interested, and for future reference, I purchased a Tetra .22 cal jag. It has the same thread as the Boretech jag and so can be used with the Boretech rod. It is very slightly (2 thou) smaller than the Boretech and has a much simpler design, being four wide rings rather than the Boretechs two groups of four narrower rings. The patch spike is much thicker on the Tetra, and therefore harder to spear through the patch, but it pushes down the bore much more easily in this rifle so I will be using it from now on!
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:20 am
by Col. Pogy
I like Sweets for copper fouling removal. But it did etch a Browning A-bolt bolt head when I got some on it and did not wipe and oil and it was there a few days. Remember too all patches are not created equal in thickness, quality of material or weave. Thin loosely woven patches are a sure thing for poking a hole right through in the middle of the barrel. pogy